Galli Galli Sim Sim is the Hindi language adaptation of the American children's television series Sesame Street, for India. It is co-produced by Sesame Workshop and Turner Entertainment, through Miditech. Galli Galli Sim Sim's Indian production company is known as Sesame Workshop India. "Sesame Workshop India's mission is to create innovative engaging content that maximizes the educational power of media to help children reach their highest potential. As with all our adaptations, we are now working with local experts to identify Indian children’s issues and how to best address them on- and off-air. We're thrilled to work with Turner, the undisputed leader in Indian kids' television, to build a long-term presence and to together serve the children of the amazing Indian sub-continent." - Gary E. Knell, Sesame Workshop's President and CEO. Production of the show is based in Delhi. Filming of the first season's 65 half-hour episodes began in February 2006, with the premiere held on 15 August 2006. Till now the show has produced 5 seasons. Funding for the initial development phase of Sesame Workshop India was provided through the support of the United States Agency for International Development, ICICI Bank and Turner Broadcasting.