Laxmibai gallops alone towards the fort's exit gates and orders that it be opened. Laxmibai's confidantes ask the subjects to go out of the fort from the rear exit, while the British continue to shoot indiscriminately. In the process, Moropant gets shot in his leg. Rao Dulajo warns Laxmibai that she has been surrounded and asks her to surrender. Karma sends away everyone to safety and then locks the exit to fight the British alone! Meanwhile, Rao Dulajo comes to attack Laxmibai from behind and Damodar manages to regain his voice just in time to warn her. Laxmibai turns and beheads Rao Dulajo. Just then Hugh Rose goes to fire at her but Karma takes the bullet instead. Karma is shot, while Laxmibai kills many British soldiers. Laxmibai and Karma gallop away on their horses and reach the palace.